Accessories For BATMThree and BATMFour
Cash dispensers, cash boxes, cash recyclers, door switches and more.

BATMThree and BATMFour Door Switches
The switch is used to see when the door has been opened or closed.

Cassette for dispenser
Spare cassettes for a fast swap during the cash collection process.

Cashbox (1,200 banknotes)
Spare cashbox for faster box exchange. Up to 1200 banknotes.

Cashbox (2,200 banknotes)
Spare cashbox for faster box exchange. Up to 2200 banknotes.
The BATMFour is our newest BATM
Based on the same features as the BATMThree platform, the BATMFour is bidirectional (cash to crypto, crypto to cash) and offers individual configuration. Distributes coins from a wallet or crypto exchange. Colour-changing neon lights catch the attention of people walking by.